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Welcome! I'm so excited you have found your way here. 


My name is Vanessa and I created Rose, Aster & Hawthorn to share love, wisdom and happiness around grounding work, crystals, herbs and spirituality. I hope you find this a place you can call home and will grow along with me on this journey. 


Hello love,

My goal is to share my stories and experiences with the world in hopes that they will benefit others. I have struggled with anxiety, panic & PTSD for several years now. After attempting to clear my ailments with pharmaceuticals and failing, I turned to mother Gaia. The plants that she provides for us have helped support me so much on this journey. I also dove deep into my spirituality and let go of a lot of the structured views that were placed upon me as a child. I hope you find what I put out into the world to be beneficial. 



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